While quality is a priority, Chief Architect is not responsible for the accuracy of any given catalog and makes no warranty of the content therein. It is expected that mutual communication between Chief Architect and Brand Partners will occur along these time frames to ensure that the hosted catalog is maintained as necessary.
An estimated time-frame will be given once payment and material has been received.īrand Partners hold the responsibility to ensure their catalog is updated at a minimum of one time per year and no more than three. An update time frame is based on two working weeks of development and two working weeks of testing schedule dependent. By working with our team to develop your brand's digital catalog compatible with Chief Architect's software programs, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.Ĭhief Architect will commit catalog development time and effort for the creation and maintenance of new and existing catalogs. Our goal is to provide users with accurate representation of actual product lines that can be specified and illustrated in their architectural designs.
Thank you for working with Chief Architect to provide software users access to branded digital catalogs.