Now I've just realized that it seems that most of the presets in Guitar Rig are only demos that are accessible only for a short period of time unless you have the 'Pro' version.don't know how hard/expensive that is to get, but that's my next issue to tackle. I had been dealing with my guitar only being on the right channel by panning the track slightly left of center in Mixcraft, but that's just an output thing I guess and doesn't affect how it's going into the Guitar far as Guitar Rig is concerned, there's only signal on the right channel for my audio clip. file is stored and how ive added it in the vst plug ins section of locations in options. Ive watched some youtube videos and its suppose to show up in the effects, but nothings coming up.
Second, there is an area near the top of the interface where you select whether left and right inputs are on (buttons with 'L' and 'R' on them).because my interface records my guitar as only the right channel (there's probably a way to control this, but I don't know how), the right channel input button needed to be turned on (for some reason it was off by default). I have other vsts that have worked but for some reason it doesnt seem to be picking up guitar rig 5. First of all, apparently it's not enough to select the presets at the top dropdown menu.they need to be selected by double clicking a preset name in the bottom left part of the interface like in the second picture that Mark posted.